• Cherry picking season

    Cherry Picking in the Okanagan

    | Tips for picking cherries and other fruit |  Do you even live in the Okanagan if you have never gone fruit picking? In case you didn’t know, the Okanagan is famous for cherries, peaches and apples and our visitor centres usually start getting calls around March/April to see if the cherries are ready for picking.

  • Lavender Lemonade

    Lavender Lemonade Recipe

    | Lavender Lemonade – a taste of summer | The summer heat is on and one of my kid’s favourite summer drinks is Lavender Lemonade. I must admit, when my mom suggested making lavender lemonade, I was pretty sceptical. I wasn’t sure how it would taste. Would it be too florally or too sweet? The flavours, would they be overwhelming? And last, would I ACTUALLY be able to drink it?

  • Rhubarb Recipe

    Chocolate Rhubarb Cake Recipe

    | Best Chocolate Rhubarb Cake Recipe |  Wondering what to do with all that rhubarb? Why not try making a rhubarb simple syrup? This syrup is perfect to top off a yogurt parfait, add to sparkling water or do what we did, use it in a cake! Here is a great recipe for those who do not like the strong rhubarb taste but are looking to use fruit for extra moistness.

  • Empty Nest Quotes

    Empty Nest Quotes

    | Empty Nest Quotes and the Wisdom of Others | I never thought of myself as a person who would have a hard time being an empty nester. There was a period of time when I couldn’t wait for them to leave the house and I could get back to doing the things that I loved. The problem came when I had the time, but what do I do with all of that time? Here are a few quotes which give comfort and help with a new perspective.

  • Wine Tasting Alsace France

    Wine Tasting in Alsace, France

    As part of our European adventure, we made a three-day stop in the Alsace Region of France. We made our base in Colmar, a small town loaded with charm. Unfortunately, when we were there, it was very rainy and damp and we were unable to enjoy many of the charms of Colmar and the surrounding area, but we made the best of the situation. One of the things that we wanted to do was to embrace the Alsace wine experience and see how it compared to that of wine touring in Canada. The local Tourism Information Offices, which are usually found in the centre of the towns or villages, were…

  • Lipstick quotes

    Lipstick Quotes to Live By

    | Lipstick Quotes for your Instagram Posts |  Everyone has that one makeup item that they can’t do without. For me it is lipstick – it is a staple in my makeup bag and purse. It is the one makeup that can brighten your face, make you look more awake, add some drama and make you look kissable.

  • wine quotes

    Wine Quotes

    | Wine Quotes for your Instagram Posts | “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” – W.C. Fields “Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance.” – Benjamin Franklin “I am a strong woman, raising a strong girl, which is why I need a drink.” – unknown   “I only drink wine on days that end with a “y.”” – unknown “I would give up wine, but I am not a quitter.” – unknown     “Wine is the answer, but I can’t remember the question.” – unknown “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.”…

  • Bio

    Hi all! Welcome to my corner of the digital world. I’m all about embracing a life of wanderlust, creativity, and community engagement. Picture me as your go-to source for travel resources, mindful planning, solutions for small businesses, and crafting a vibrant online presence. I have always had wanderlust and I got that from my parents. They were the parents who would set out on a road trip to Seattle, get bored, and want to see more. That weekend trip to Seattle (from Vancouver, BC), turned into a two-week trip to Mexico. That trip was the moment I knew I had to see more of the world and not turn down…

  • Rhubarb Simple Syrup

    Rhubarb Simple Syrup Recipe

    | A Delicious Simply Syrup Recipe | Rhubarb Simple Syrup Ingredients • 4 cups Rhubarb • 1 cup Sugar • 1 Cup Water • 1 tsp vanilla extract