
  • Workplace culture quotes

    Workplace Culture Quotes

    Workplace culture is crucial for any organization as it encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that influence interactions among employees and customers. A positive workplace culture can boost employee morale, productivity, and innovation. Enjoy these motivating quotes on workplace culture.      

  • Christmas Quotes

    Christmas Quotes

    | Inspirational Christmas Quotes & Sayings | ‘Tis the season for warmth, joy, and Christmas quotes. Whether you’re decorating, gift-wrapping, or simply needing a quote for your Instagram post, here are a few quotes to get you into the spirit of the season. 🎄✨

  • Empty Nesters Rediscovering wellness through nature

    Nature Therapy for Empty Nesters: Rediscovering Self and Well-being

    As an empty nester mom, I have felt a range of emotions as my children moved away to go to university. I am so thankful that they still come back in the summer as it has made the transition so much easier. This transitional period is challenging, but I have tried to find the silver lining to look at it as a time for self-discovery and growth. One of the best places I have found to reconnect with myself is when I spend time in nature.

  • ways to beat the winter blues

    Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

    | 9 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues | Welcome to January, when the days are shorter, the excitement of the holidays are over and a bit of the winter blues begin to set in. Many people experience the January Blues which can be described as a combination of the post-holiday letdown and the overwhelming feeling of needing a fresh start for the new year. Combining that with shorter, gloomier days, it can leave us feeling a bit down.

  • DIY Spa treatments

    Easy DIY spa treatments you can make at home

    | Ideas for an easy DIY spa day |   In need of some pampering and relaxation? We have some ideas for creating your own spa day at home. Most of the ingredients for your DYI Spa day can be found in your kitchen cabinets, or you can order them online or find them at your grocery store.

  • Empty Nest Quotes

    Empty Nest Quotes

    | Empty Nest Quotes and the Wisdom of Others | I never thought of myself as a person who would have a hard time being an empty nester. There was a period of time when I couldn’t wait for them to leave the house and I could get back to doing the things that I loved. The problem came when I had the time, but what do I do with all of that time? Here are a few quotes which give comfort and help with a new perspective.

  • Lipstick quotes

    Lipstick Quotes to Live By

    | Lipstick Quotes for your Instagram Posts |  Everyone has that one makeup item that they can’t do without. For me it is lipstick – it is a staple in my makeup bag and purse. It is the one makeup that can brighten your face, make you look more awake, add some drama and make you look kissable.

  • wine quotes

    Wine Quotes

    | Wine Quotes for your Instagram Posts | “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” – W.C. Fields “Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance.” – Benjamin Franklin “I am a strong woman, raising a strong girl, which is why I need a drink.” – unknown   “I only drink wine on days that end with a “y.”” – unknown “I would give up wine, but I am not a quitter.” – unknown     “Wine is the answer, but I can’t remember the question.” – unknown “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.”…