United States

  • Newport Oregon Coast

    Exploring Newport, Oregon: A Coastal Getaway

    | West Coast Explorations | This summer we made a road trip to Newport, Oregon. It had been about 10 years since we had been there last. I’m excited to share my experience with you and hopefully inspire you to take a trip to this beautiful coastal town.

  • Mardi Gras Parade

    Tips for attending a Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans

    | Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans – Bucketlist Item | Have you ever been lucky enough to end up accomplishing one of your bucket list items without even knowing until you are in the midst of it? A few years ago, I ended up being able to cross “New Orleans & Mardi Gras” off my list and what an exhilarating experience it was, particularly because I thought I was just going for a work conference, I had no idea it was Mardi Gras time until I was there!

  • Plantations near New Orleans

    Plantation Tours Near New Orleans

    | The Grand South – Plantation Tours |   Having just recently seen the movie “12 Years a Slave”, it prompted me to go through the pictures from our trip to New Orleans and out to see the plantations. I was then inspired to write about our visit to these places.