Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
| 9 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues |
Welcome to January, when the days are shorter, the excitement of the holidays are over and a bit of the winter blues begin to set in.
Many people experience the January Blues which can be described as a combination of the post-holiday letdown and the overwhelming feeling of needing a fresh start for the new year. Combining that with shorter, gloomier days, it can leave us feeling a bit down.
If you are looking to beat the winter blues, here are a few ideas to make the winter season more enjoyable.
1. Get outside and enjoy some fresh air
Being outdoors can help improve your mood and lift your spirits.
- Go for a walk
- Go winter bird watching
- Build a snowman
- Plan for an outdoor photo safari
2. Exercise regularly
Exercise releases endorphins and can help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Look for some fitness programs online or check out your community recreation guide for a class to join.
- Head out on a winter trek
- Go snowshoeing
- Do drop-in yoga
3. Take in the daylight hours
Get outside during daylight hours as much as possible. Even if it isn’t sunny the brighter skies will help you feel more cheerful.
- On sunny days, open your curtains and let the sunshine in
- Take a quick walk outside on your lunch
4. Plan something to look forward to
Having something to look forward to can help make January feel less gloomy.
- Plan a vacation
- Take a day trip
- Go out with friends
- Plan a theme night
5. Eat healthily
Eating a balanced diet can help boost your energy levels and your mood.
- Increase your fruit and vegetable intake
- Do meatless Monday
- Cut down on your sugar intake
6. Learn something new
Doing something that you enjoy can reduce stress and lift your mood
- Check out your community recreation guide and register for a course
- Learn a new recipe
- Try a new hobby for a month, like knitting, fixing bikes, or painting
7. Create a bedtime routine
Establishing a regular bedtime routine can help you relax and get a better night’s sleep.
- Go to bed at the same time each night
- Turn off devices when asleep
- Try to eliminate extra light coming into the bedroom
- Put some fresh bedding on your bed
8. Be kind to yourself
Don’t set unrealistic New Year resolutions. Do something that you enjoy and that helps you relax.
- Read a book
- Take a hot bubble bath
- Watch a movie
- Do a DIY spa day
9. Practice gratitude
Take some time each day to be thankful for the good things in your life.
- Start a gratitude journal
- Each day think of things you are grateful for
- Call your parents more often
- Think about smiling, you will end up smiling more
If you are still feeling blue, seek professional help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Talking to a therapist or counsellor can help you get through tough times.