• Workplace culture quotes

    Workplace Culture Quotes

    Workplace culture is crucial for any organization as it encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that influence interactions among employees and customers. A positive workplace culture can boost employee morale, productivity, and innovation. Enjoy these motivating quotes on workplace culture.      

  • Sharing the Destination

    Content that Gets Shared: A Guide for Tourism Businesses

    Tourism Businesses and Content Sharing Standing out as a tourism business requires more than just stunning attractions or delicious food. Collaboration with your local destination marketing organization (DMO) opens up many resources and marketing opportunities. But how do you ensure your content resonates with the DMO and, ultimately, gets shared with their audience?

  • Christmas Quotes

    Christmas Quotes

    | Inspirational Christmas Quotes & Sayings | ‘Tis the season for warmth, joy, and Christmas quotes. Whether you’re decorating, gift-wrapping, or simply needing a quote for your Instagram post, here are a few quotes to get you into the spirit of the season. 🎄✨

  • Newport Oregon Coast

    Exploring Newport, Oregon: A Coastal Getaway

    | West Coast Explorations | This summer we made a road trip to Newport, Oregon. It had been about 10 years since we had been there last. I’m excited to share my experience with you and hopefully inspire you to take a trip to this beautiful coastal town.

  • Regensburg

    Discovering the World’s Oldest Restaurant | Regensburg, Germany

    | The World’s Oldest Restaurant, A Pipe Organ, and a Medieval Stone Bridge | On our Viking River Cruise to Budapest, we made a stop in Regensburg, Germany. Located in Bavaria, this city of approximately 150,000 residents has a rich history dating back to Roman times. The city boasts the oldest restaurant in the world, which once served Roman soldiers (more about this later in the post!)

  • Empty Nesters Rediscovering wellness through nature

    Nature Therapy for Empty Nesters: Rediscovering Self and Well-being

    As an empty nester mom, I have felt a range of emotions as my children moved away to go to university. I am so thankful that they still come back in the summer as it has made the transition so much easier. This transitional period is challenging, but I have tried to find the silver lining to look at it as a time for self-discovery and growth. One of the best places I have found to reconnect with myself is when I spend time in nature.